Monday, June 20, 2016

Just Keep Swimming

HEY!!!! It's been 3 months since my last post. No, I haven't forgotten about you!! I am still truckin' here! I haven't lost a ton of weight. I am not even down 25 lbs yet. I even renamed the blog from something to do with losing the baby weight to something about being healthy. And I feel like that is really important to stress. The fact of the matter is, losing weight is great and all, but the reality is that making an actual lifestyle change is what is more important. Losing weight just happens after you become healthy.

I am down to 157.9 lbs. My BMI is 28 and Body Fat Percentage is 32.5. That's down basically 5 a piece from back in January if I remember right. I haven't measured much since March honestly. Recently started weighing myself again on Friday mornings. My friend Sara and I are on week 4 of Couch to 5K as of today! I am running again! I have tried over and over with the Couch to 5K program and haven't gotten past week 2. Now I'm on week 4 and killin' it!! She and I are going to do The Color Run next month so we're working towards that goal! I can't wait. I haven't been able to run long distances for several years and haven't been able to run a mile, let alone 3, since I was in high school doing soccer, and honestly, I didn't ever run that long either! So this will mean I will be in the best shape of my life...ever. And I am 26. That's amazing to me.

Anyway Here is another set of progress pictures. The photo on the left is me in a wedding on April 9th (sorry its pretty blurry) and the photo on the right is me from this past Saturday in another wedding. My weight is about 3 lbs less than in April, but I look skinnier. I've been running and doing strength exercises. That's what happens!!

And I am continuing to eat better. I still eat cake, and ice cream, and carbs and all of that. I just watch how I'm eating. I still drink coffee with creamer, but I make sure to get my 8 glasses of water every day too. I do take supplements. I sell It Works! and take a few of their supplements and then their cleanse and the wraps and I believe that it is definitely making a difference in my appearance. The majority is my hard work and dedication and not giving up.

I think back to how big I was in December when I first started, 180 lbs, bloated, tired all the time, I didn't want to go out, I hated having my picture taken, it was horrible. Now, getting my picture taken isn't so bad, my 5 minute runs aren't so hard, soon to be 8 minute runs. I couldn't do any plank push ups 3 weeks ago, and now I can do 10. It's just a matter of doing it and not making excuses on why I can't. I CAN, and I WILL. My mind has been the hardest battle that I am dealing with.

All of the cliches are true. And I suppose that's why they are cliche...working out with a partner certainly helps to keep the motivation going. Getting up earlier is helping too. It's been ridiculously hot lately and even though the first day of summer is today, it's been very hot the past few weeks. Which is totally fine with me because I hate the cold. Anyway, having a running partner has kept me in check, has helped motivate me, and given us a little competition along the way. Even though we still cheer each other on and encourage each other too. It's about getting in shape, not getting skinny. I don't want to be a stick figure. I want to have muscle, I want to be strong, I want to show my kids that being healthy is great. I also want them to know that being human is normal and we make mistakes.

Life is hard, being fat is hard, working towards being healthy is hard, pick your hard. Just do it. Excuses don't burn calories.

Its all relative.

Comments, questions, concerns??

Let me know!


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