Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 4!

Happy Tuesday everyone!! It is snowing like crazy outside and it took me 2 hours to get to work today because of the horrible traffic. But no matter, I am here, and I feel GREAT! How is everyone feeling today? Awake? Sleepy? Groggy? Sluggish? I hope you're as awake and happy as I am that the scale just keeps going down! I lost another .8 lbs over the weekend alone and I'm doing my best to stay on track and keep on with this clean eating!!

Something else I started doing today, was actually started last night. I cut up half of a lemon and filled up my blender bottle with water and put the lemon inside and shook it up. I left it in the fridge overnight and this morning when I woke up I drank all 28 oz between 6:30 and 9:00.

Reilynn was still sleeping haha you can see her in the background.

Anyway! Lemon water is definitely not my favorite. Very sour, obviously, but there are so many benefits to drinking lemon water. You can see some of them here.  I drank mine cold, but you can absolutely drink it warm like tea too! Naturally I will be drinking my water as well as hot green tea throughout the day to give my body a little boost.

I had a hard boiled egg and a piece of my wheat bread with the PB2 for breakfast and then for my snack I had a second hard boiled egg. PROTEIN!!!! lol Anyway!! I made my lunches for the rest of the week last night. I made more burritos. 6 more actually. Instead of chicken, I used ground turkey since that's what I had and didn't feel like going to the store again. I boiled eggs for my breakfast and snacks and had turkey, cilantro, avocado, baby spinach leaves, and I put in some shredded mozzarella cheese too. As long as you use a multigrain tortilla, the burrito is about 225 calories. So there you go. Easy lunch that you can freeze. I just made a bunch, that way I have lunch every day for at least the next week, and then once I get paid again next Wednesday, I will have money to go to the store again and stock up and do it all over again!

Over the weekend I made the Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats again, and they turned out a lot better than the first time. My mistake was that I didn't add enough almond milk to them. oops!

Tada! Much better. And they were of course, delicious as always! Then for lunch I made spaghetti squash. Low in calories and carbs, and high in vitamins! Added some spinach to that and a little salt, pepper, evoo, and mozzarella cheese and vuwala easy lunch. And for dinner on Saturday I made myself a smoothie in my blender bottle. 1.5 cups of Vanilla Almond Milk, 1 clementine, half a banana, some pineapple and 1 tbsp of chia seeds! It would have turned out much better in a blender, but it wasn't so bad shaking it up in my blender bottle. I can't wait to get my Nutribullet!

Sunday for breakfast I had something that I've never made before! Baked eggs in avocados!

Oh em gee it was yummy! And it's so good for you too! Lots of protein and good fat from the avocado and they are high in fiber too. I made that again for breakfast yesterday too. It really does keep you full for hours and I had to remind myself to eat my snack at 10:30 to keep my metabolism going! I had left over spaghetti squash for lunch and for dinner at my parents house we had lemon chicken and red potatoes, salad and asparagus. I don't care for asparagus, but I certainly enjoyed the rest of the dinner! I even allowed myself to eat a small bowl of my aunts homemade apple crisp and some ice cream and Monday morning I was still down .8 lbs from Friday morning. Boo yah!!

I've been doing a good job at eating every 2 hours so I'm not starving throughout the day. I was a bad girl and I haven't worked out since Thursday last week, but today I will be getting back on that horse and working out like nobody's business! I know weight loss is 80% diet 20% exercise, so I'm not too worried about it. I know that by eating clean, drinking water all day and getting enough sleep, I am losing weight anyway. The exercise is good too, but it's mainly the diet that you eat that helps you lose weight.

I'm not even a full month into my journey and I've already lost almost 6.5 lbs. :) I'm beyond excited to see what the coming months will bring during this journey. I am 10 days away from my 1 month mark and 13 days away from posting my 1 month progress pictures. I honestly don't think there is much of a difference in the pictures, but that's okay. In a few months you'll really be able to see a difference! If I keep losing as much weight every month that I have in the first month alone, I won't even need a full year to lose all of it. And that's so exciting to me. I told myself if I lost 3 lbs a month I would be happy, but having lost almost 7 lbs already I couldn't be happier! I'm proud of myself for sticking with it this time instead of just quitting. It's so easy to quit. It's so easy to give up. But not this time!!!!

I have actually found a way to do this that is fun. I enjoy planning and making my meals. I enjoy working out because of how I feel afterwards, I enjoy seeing the scale drop and I'm still eating food and not starving all the time. I enjoy having energy. I enjoy encouraging people.

Please feel free to ask any questions or leave any comments!

You can do it!


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